Thursday, October 14, 2010

i'm back.

it's hard to describe how my heart feels sometimes...

there are days when i feel such joy that all i can do is smile and walk with a skip in my step...
there are other days when my heart is so heavy that i don't know how to function...
today i am feeling joy like i haven't known in a while.
to understand i would have to take you step by step through the past few months of my life.
i'll sum it all up by saying i have been stressed this semester like i've never been before.
if you know me you know that school work is never a top priority for me.
school has been easy for me for a long time, and i've never really had to buckle down.
this semester though there has been one class (and a combination of other things going on in my life) that have sucked the joy right from me...
not to say that this semester has been completely void of joy, but i haven't been myself for a while. this week though i finished a huge assignment for a class, and a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders.
i am visibly different.
i praise God because He is the only reason that i was sustained through this stress...
this is all very vague, and it sounds petty.
all this stress wasn't solely on account of a class....
but i'm back.
and it feels good.
God is reminding me why I've been dancing and light-footed for so long.
He is renewing me, and today, this week He has saved me, like he so often has before.
my salvation is new each day.