Sunday, February 12, 2012


it's been a rough couple of weeks.
a rough few months...
i haven't done any sort of blogging recently. i don't feel like i've done much recently that involves creativity or deep thought.
i sort of feel like i've been on auto-pilot with myself.
waiting for the next thing to happen.
i can easily say that i haven't really been living for a while.
it's easy to get used to routine.... and then fail to care about much else.
but things are changing.... at least i'm assuming that's why living has felt so much harder this week.
change is a good thing.. i keep trying to convince myself of this.
thankfully, even though i've been on auto-pilot i haven't stopped listening and seeking for words of those that are far wiser than me...
and that's why i'm here today to share with you some words of wisdom from one of my very favorites...

from the beautiful Ann Voskamp
"when it is hardest - that is when you sing the loudest. the devil flees at a hymn"
"abandon the worries ... and abide in the Word
abandon the fears... and abide in the Father
abandon the hurts... and abide in his Heart
abandon the cares... because Christ will never abandon you..."

thank God for those beautiful words... now i just need to continue to repeat them to myself.