Monday, June 1, 2009

everything about being with you is...just so easy.

i'm no good at this blogging thing.
i feel like i write so much, but still manage to say so little.
i like to dance around with my words...maybe it makes me think i still have some secrets i can keep.

i talked to my best friend on the phone a couple nights ago.
that was nice...i like hashing through all the stuff going through my head with her.
i miss having conversations face to face about stuff like this.
sometimes stuff is too deep to talk about over the phone...

we had our monday night session last night. (obviously)
which is definitely a good thing...i was nearly running on empty the last couple days.
it was a nice re-charge.
but the message felt like it was directed right at me.
it skimmed over some stuff that i feel is probably one of my greatest struggles.
we started in luke 9 when Jesus is sending out the disciples...
with the kicker (for me anyways) that they are to basically go without any provision for themselves.
i tend to surround myself with material things...a security blanket of sorts..
but in matthew...when there's talk of not needing to be anxious, because if God keeps watch over all these small things, he will protect you too.
one phrase jumped out at me...and i still can't get it out of my head...
"consider the lilies of the field , how they grow; they neither toil nor spin..."
just a little something to think about for the day...
so keep your head up, don't toil or spin...i'm right here with you. we can hold hands.


Unknown said...

I don't think you "say nothing" in your posts. Thanks for always sharing just enough in them. :)