is it really sunday?
that's a little hard for me to believe.
it's only been a week, but i can already feel my heart changing.
i like that feeling.
it's been hard for me to stop smiling (for a number of reasons) but i could definitely get used to that.
work yesterday was a bit rough. the girl i was supposed to be serving with called in, so i had the inside restaurant all to myself. nearly overwhelming, but God has a stellar way of calming my uneasy heart.
the evening completely made up for my day frustration, though.
i went to a matt nathanson concert with karin and alana. fun fun fun!
and then got some ben & jerry's. what a great dinner, right?
the night was made complete though with some beach time with 3 pretty great friends.
the beach at night is so great....mmmm.
i don't work 'til 4 today, so my morning has been pretty chill thus far.
rode my bike on the boardwalk (my heart swells with every smile i catch)
stopped at starbucks for some quiet time and a green tea latte.
how are you spending your morning?
i hope it makes you smile.

hmm...i want.
so i've been thinking that someday i want to live in a trailer in kentucky. wanna come? you can bring your stationwagon and pink flamingo lawn accessories!
um yes!
and since it's a trailer we could even move around a bit if we want a change of scenery.
fabulous idea.
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