i feel like i haven't updated in a while...
and i feel like there is lots that i could fill you in on, but i'm having trouble arranging my words.
no, no, no...i just don't have words to arrange, that's the problem.
hmm...i had my first day off yesterday (other than project days) and that was beautiful.
layne and i had a ridiculous time...it only could've been made better if the final countdown had been on repeat as background music.
we baked pancake muffins...with peanut butter/nutella filling! and yes, they were as delightful as they sound.
i get so excited when i get to bake with friends...eeek!
last night at session we talked about the 'Desert Fathers'
a.k.a. those fellas that ventured to the desert driven by a desperation for spirituality.
this discussion touched on the topic of simplicity.
this is something that i desire so much...but my selfishness keeps getting in the way.
praying for simplicity...that's what i be doin' this week.
so i'm reading blue like jazz...again.
i very nearly envy donald miller's writing.
it's so...simple...see there i go again. silly simplicity.
anyways...i'm reading the chapter on romance, and of course he has some gentle wit to impart to us...
i find this section highly amusing...
"i think if you like somebody you have to tell them. it might be embarassing to say it, but you will never regret stepping up. i know from personal experience, however, that you should not keep telling a girl that you like her after she tells you she isn't into it. you should not keep riding your bike by her house either."
doesn't that make you giggle...the second part anyways.
the first part just makes me think...i'm not real good at imparting my feelings to those around me. confronting issues like that is just too messy for me...i wish i was better at telling people how much they mean to me.
i feel like i say that all the time.
hmmm....i guess that's something to think about for the day..

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