one thing that i greatly appreciate about my job.... it's brought me to a place where i have a deep appreciation for my days off...
my days off may look a bit different than most other people's.
whereas most people enjoy a good sleepin'-in... i prefer to savor my mornings.. so yes, i could stay in bed until noon, but i'd much rather wake up early... and give myself time to collect my thoughts, eat breakfast with my roommate and enjoy not being at work so early.
i am also growing to realize that God has been moving in my heart and head so much on my days off.
actually giving myself the time and space to think about life, and where i am in the midst of it has done wonders for my heart. these are moments and days when God whispers to me about the passions that stir my heart... and today is no different.
something you should know about me is that if you would've asked me 3 years ago i would've told you that i don't like kids. that they terrify me, and that i don't really plan on having them...
then i became part of a thriving community here in muncie and saw healthy families in every day life and realized that there are so many parts of my heart that desire nothing more than to be a mom.... but don't tell anyone... i'm still growing and learning about this part of me.. because it surprised me too.
but today.. and in the past year i have desired so much to be a mom. to see how God could extend grace to a community through my family like has happened in my own life. i want to be a part of opening peoples' eyes to see that healthy and loving families do exist. it is possible to live in a family that acts out the grace that God extends to us daily. i desire to adopt and be part of God's redemption in the heart of a child that may have felt cast out.
just talking about this gives me all kinds of goosebumps...
so you see.. God is constantly growing and changing..
you just have to give Him the time and room to whisper to you...
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
whispers of something else...
Posted by Katie Harmon at 7:11 AM 1 comments
Monday, August 8, 2011
that's all i really need to say...
this has been an interesting week... to say the least.
two of my dear friends have been in the middle of the worst week of their lives.
it's hard to imagine what it must feel like to have your three week old baby girl in a struggle for her life. a struggle that you in no way can fix. i can't imagine the guilt and insecurities that rear their ugly little heads when a situation like this explodes. my dear friends carl & carolyn have been in the hospital with their 3-week old baby girl this week. this sweet baby girl has meningitis, and in this struggle that not even the most loving, knowledgeable, gifted parent can fix.
it's crazy though what can stem from events like this. this darling little girl, this beautiful baby has brought together the church (specifically in my little muncie community) together in an amazing way. it's crazy how God answers prayer. it's crazy how he knows us and loves us so much better than anyone ever could.
and through all this... this week of uncertainty, terror, tears and pain i have been learning so much. this little baby girl and my Jesus are teaching my heart so much. i have learned and experienced the beauty of community in crisis. seen the rising up of gifts and love when they are needed most. the beauty of hearts that are fighting for love. i am learning the importance of praying continually, and experiencing how truly life-giving it is... not only for this sick little girl... but this dead, hard heart in my chest. i am thankful... so thankful... for the tears in my eyes... the pain in my chest... the hands i can hold... the prayers that are sometimes more screamed and cried than peacefully said. God knows our hearts... can hear our tearful moans and mumbles perfectly... and for that.. for that i will say my God is perfect. my God is greater than the muck of this world we are in. thank God....
thank God....
that's all i can say these days it seems like..
but of course....
that's all i really need to say.
Posted by Katie Harmon at 7:37 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 30, 2011
i think zoos make me a little sad.
the gorillas always look pissed...
the lions just wanna be playful...
the elephants just want to throw peanuts at everyone...(right)
and if i've learned anything from my studies (a.k.a. watching the movie "madagascar")
they all really just want to be let free...
i was just reading a post from one of my favorite bloggers about her family's trip to the zoo ...
and as cute as all that is.... the animals just look so sad.but seriously...they're so cute... lookin' like little kittens ...
Posted by Katie Harmon at 8:47 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
crack in the vase.
i'm broken.
some days that is much more obvious than others.
i hate the way my heart feels when i know that i've messed up.
i hate knowing that i've failed.
i hate feeling like i've let people down... especially those that i love so much...
i hate knowing that i'm so far from perfect.
but even all these things are good.
because i know that God knows these things about me.
He knows these things and doesn't see them.
He knows we're shipwrecks...
and that's why He's given us each other...
today my friends are a clear picture of God's grace.
thank God.....
Posted by Katie Harmon at 2:20 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 25, 2011
some things you should know about me...
- i love my job
- i love getting to interact with so many people every day
- i love that my major (hospitality & food management) fit me perfectly
- i love providing people with one of their most basic needs
- i hope that i will be involved with hospitality & food production for the rest of my life
- there isn't much that brings me more joy than baking a plate of cookies for beautiful people
- i very much hope that someday i can do this with my church... open a bakery, that is.
what kind of dreams do you have?
what kind of gifts did God give you that make you all sorts of passionate?
don't forget these dreams that you once got misty-eyed over... God placed those dreams in your heart and head for a reason.
Posted by Katie Harmon at 3:19 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
my heart beats for this
it's hard to say how i've felt these last few weeks.
i think i've been putting on a real good act... like i'm thoroughly enjoying this summer.
but if you're around me for any extended period of time... you know.
you know... that i haven't been myself.
and it's been hard for me to figure out why.
this past week though, i've realized some things.
this transition from being a college student to being a graduate is difficult. and this difficulty is magnified when you're surrounded by your friends that will continue to attend school in the fall. yes, i'm a bit jealous. there is a certain safety-net that surrounds college students. not much is expected of you.... but when you graduate there are so many questions. "where are you working? what are you planning on doing? you're staying in muncie? why?" and that's exhausting ... so for you asking questions... yes, i do know what i'm doing. i am staying in muncie. for reasons that most people would shake their head at. i have a family here. a family, and so many untouched hearts in hurting college students that i know God has a plan for me to bring hope to. and yes, i know there isn't much money in that... but please tell me, when was the last time your pay check made you jump for joy or cry happy tears? because i can tell you the job i will be doing will be making me more joyful than words could ever describe.
community is why i will be sticking around. community is what God used to pick my messy heart up as a freshman and make me realize how whole i could truly be. community is what makes desperate, lonely, searching hearts feel at home. and once you've experienced that you know that there isn't true life outside of community. you know that God built your heart for this.
so please, instead of your disappointed looks and sarcastic questions, please ask me with interest what my hopeful future in college ministry will look like. i have countless stories i could tell you... and i will laugh and cry... but it's good to feel this way about something.
"however, community is first of all a quality of the heart. it grows from the spiritual knowledge that we are alive not for ourselves but for one another. community is the fruit of our capacity to make the interests of others more important than our own. the question, therefore, is not 'how can we make community?' but 'how can we develop and nurture giving hearts?' "
-henri nouwen
Posted by Katie Harmon at 12:27 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
so i said i'd blog more...
i haven't done a great job of that...
i'll try and get my act together :)
my heart is adjusting i think.
the past two summers i've spent in Virginia Beach, living a summer fully dedicated to Jesus and the Gospel....
the adjustment comes in the fact that i haven't made that transition to the place where my heart feels most at home during the summer...
i'm not surrounded by new friends at the beach...
i'm not holding hands with my dearest friend Karin...
but God is preparing me for something....
for bigger transitions...
and He has so much to teach me this summer...
and i think i'm excited about that... i think...
Posted by Katie Harmon at 9:04 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 12, 2011
oh... nice to see you again
...i haven't blogged in a while.
mostly because it was hard for me to gather the encouraging words that i usually fill my posts with.
this semester was ridiculous....
ridiculously stressful.
i cried more this semester than i probably have in my entire life...
but i've grown.... and i know that.
God is good... and my heart is still enthralled with his love and his continual pursuit of me..
i don't have much to say right now...
other than ... i have the summer before me...
and that is almost too much potential for me to handle...
so far it's been perfect... despite the waking up at 5:10am the past two days (and the rest of the summer) to go to work..
but do you wanna know a secret... i think i might love my job...
keep in mind it is day 2...
but with so many of my favorite things combined it's hard to believe that i will get too tired of it...
my goal this summer is to blog more...
we'll see where that goal takes me...
Posted by Katie Harmon at 1:05 PM 2 comments
Thursday, February 17, 2011
this is the good word today....and everyday...
today... didn't really start out that great.
Posted by Katie Harmon at 3:19 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 3, 2011
i do enjoy a diet coke every once in a while. silly carbonation...
Posted by Katie Harmon at 3:33 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
the kitchen is calling my name...

Posted by Katie Harmon at 5:28 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
and i love you....
from: LoveSugar
some days my heart gets a little kick in the pants...
Posted by Katie Harmon at 9:36 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 31, 2011
snow love.
so i here there's some fierce weather coming this way...
Posted by Katie Harmon at 10:27 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 27, 2011
senior citizens...
my friend meredith and i are basically two old women...
(we actually had a 1 year anniversary of being friends date last week where we bought each other coffee and bright colored tights)
Posted by Katie Harmon at 7:36 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
i need you.
there are some days when i'm ridiculously thankful for those around me.
ephesians 6: 13-18 (the message)
Posted by Katie Harmon at 5:05 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
don't mind me...just drinking my mint tea...
so... i originally hated the idea of 8 a.m. classes.
Posted by Katie Harmon at 8:03 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 20, 2011
a few letters on a thursday....
dear natural jif creamy peanut butter,
Posted by Katie Harmon at 3:46 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
we are made to love and to be loved

Posted by Katie Harmon at 11:21 AM 0 comments
Sunday, January 16, 2011
mmmm flannel bed sheets
i feel like in the past few weeks my heart has been challenged with some pretty difficult stuff...
Posted by Katie Harmon at 6:27 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 14, 2011
it's a friday and i have no responsibility until noon...
i wish my relationship with this blog wasn't so flippant...
Posted by Katie Harmon at 6:06 AM 1 comments