Friday, January 14, 2011

it's a friday and i have no responsibility until noon...

i wish my relationship with this blog wasn't so flippant...

i seem to forget about it most of the time
i guess that's just something else i need to work on.

so hey it's a new year, i know that's a statement that's about 14 days late, but i'm still writing my dates wrong so evidently i still need some convincing.
with new years come new resolutions
this is usually a tradition that i ignore
this year though, my best friend and i sat down and each wrote out 22 goals/resolutions for our 22nd year...
mine look a little something like this

1. sew more
2. send more snail mail
3. work on my relationship with my dad
4. take pictures with my film camera and keep some real photo albums instead of facebook albums
5. help my mom set up an etsy account
6. make up my own recipe
7. hang out with my friend beth every week
8. send more notes of encouragement to people
9. memorize some scripture
10. set up a budget
11. actually start a "book club"
12. be better about having intentional, authentic conversation and not just superficial small-talk
13. be more creative about the time that my boyfriend and i spend together, you can only watch so much hulu
14. be proactive about internship stuff
15. work at soup kitchen more
16. go on a roadtrip
17. do a different creative project every month
18. get another tattoo
19. visit my best friend at her school
20. talk to strangers
21. have daily quiet times
22. have 6 extended quiet times- at least 3 hours
bonus: make more lists...

its funny....
but even writing these things down has made me think about them more...
maybe you should think about making a list, eh?


beth. said...

Yay for #7!

well and the rest of them.