from: LoveSugar
some days my heart gets a little kick in the pants...
some days i find that there are some points that i don't trust community with...
and that isn't fair...
if i expect the people i call my friends and family to entrust me with their deepest hurts, desires and insecurities i should trust them with mine...
so i am broken...
but i'm trying to learn and grow and be better...
thankfully God is full of second, third and fourth chances...
He knows how messy my life is, and thankfully still loves me ...
oh that I could learn to be like Him...
just know that I am trying each day, and it gets a little more difficult each day...
"When it comes to friendships, I experience a curious combination of respect and fear. I respect people simply because they are human beings. But I also respect them for what God has done in them - who He has made them to be. If God cared enough to make that person, to have a call on their life, to weep when they weep, then who am I to not care?"
- John M. Perkins, "Follow Me To Freedom"
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