today i'm feeling a little under the weather.
i'm distracted and frustrated (with myself, with situations and with others)
i'm determined to shake this funk.
so here goes...15 things that make me terribly happy on this bright september day.
1. these chocolate marshmallow mateys that i'm nibbling on out of my favorite "wake up and smell the muscles mug"....thank you goodwill
2. these jeans i'm wearing, which are much too big but oh so comfortable.
3. still laughing about gregg's arrest story he told us last night.
4. knowing that after work tonight i can curl up on my couch and watch a movie with my sweatpants and some hot's been a long time.
5. the random text messages my best friend sends me.
6. this camera. i'm struggling to not buy's an instant's brown and adorable...but i will resist...uggggg

7. having my windows open and "muncie-fresh" air blowing through the house.
8. late night ihop runs and laughing about neil's monocle with liz..uncontrollably.
9. laughing 'til i cried so many times was a wonderful feeling.
10. friends that tell me they love me, and are sincere.
11. having time to be crafty tomorrow and getting to help layne paint her room.
12. this fall-like lovely. a great excuse to bust out my cardigans.
13. pumpkin-spice anything (especially lattes)....yummm...
14. learning from my friends.
15. awkward conversations.
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