i'm real excited about the way my heart feels right now.
after some much needed time with the Lord this morning, I feel refreshed.
and this refreshment is making my heart overflow.
can you see it in my face? can you hear it in my words?
the people walking by me on campus today probably thought me silly.
the girl strolling around with a ridiculous grin on her face...
that's me.
and it feels like home.
God's pursuit of my heart, even though i often find myself ignoring it, is mystifying.
i wish i could be as consistent of a lover of hearts as He is.
i'm learning though...and i hope what i'm learning soon becomes visible.
keep me accountable in this.
the joy that i am finding in this day is in the simplest of things.
i'm glad that i was given a heart that is easily set to dancing.
1. professors wearing vests. (you classy man, you)
2. onest conversations
3. texting conversations with my brother (he hates texting, so for him to humor me for son long is wonderful)
4. seeing friends all around campus and being sure of their love
5. God's silly pursuit of my heart
6. my perfectly decorated chucks (thank you, dearest best friend)
7. thinking about the group of people at house church last night.
8. the promise of ice cream with friends tomorrow
9. professors that are excited about their job
10. new friendships.
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