Thursday, August 13, 2009

there's a bird on my window sill.

today is a bit of a full day.
i'm taking a break from packing right now, listening to the new regina spektor.
and oh's better than i expected.
high five regina, you once again did very well.

i've made more progress in packing than i assumed i would have.
so that's encouraging...but i still have quite the to do list today..
let's see...

  • finish packing (yuck)
  • finish painting my desk
  • sand my chair.
  • paint my chair
  • put my new handlebar tape on
  • finish my LT thank you, way to procrastinate.
  • finish embroidering some things.
  • write some letters to beautiful people.

but it's a beautiful day today.
that means i'll be taking another packing break here soon to spend some time outside.
i can start my new journal today! eeekkk!
yes, it's a wonderful thursday.
please take the time to enjoy it! LOVE