Wednesday, July 15, 2009

you bring me closer to love.

i feel like this past week has been so full.
...of life
...of love
...of frustration
...of excitement.
there are so many things i could tell you.
so many new friendships, sometimes it's overwhelming.
all of these hearts that i care so much about, i don't want the next three weeks to pass.
i wouldn't mind staying here for always.
one day i will write to you a list of things i will miss about this summer, but for now i will tell you of the greatness of the past few days.

yesterday, after getting back from work where i basically just hung out with freddie all day, i came home to my housemates, and their smiles. i love being welcomed back after being gone at work. we giggled, had a bit of a dance party, waited impatiently to see how the coloring of layne's hair would turn out and just sat together. before dinner, i changed into my new dress (i wish i could describe to you how perfect this dress may find that real silly, but ooofff, you should see it) and layed around the couch with karin. we talked about how hard it is for us to emotionally disconnect from some songs. we let billy joel sing away the sadness in our eyes.
at session we were blessed by neil kring's rendition of journey's "faithfully"...thank God for that. ha. after session we came back to our house and ate ice cream (it's kind of just our thing)...with peanut butter and cereal. you don't even know how much i appreciate the people i'm living with and their love for strange food combinations along with me.

monday was my day off. it started off early. 6am for sunrose devotional. this was my first time attempting to participate in this, but i'm so glad i did. it was a great way to start the day. after this me, da-vid, and tricia headed back to my place and talked while pancakes were being made. josh came over later and we all had a wonderful pancake breakfast together. (if you didn't know, sharing breakfast with others is one of my very favorite things to do, so my heart was all kinds of happy) we then proceeded to laze around and just 'soak up each others' awesomeness' [mean girls reference].

now there is today. i don't work 'til i am left with so many possibilities for the morning.
i have decided to: go running, get some coffee, spend some much needed time with God and get pumped about working tonight....(right).
let's enjoy this day together, mkay?