papercutting is just so delicate...hmmm.
check out ryantown for more quality work. i have a bit of a design crush on him.
have you heard?
this is the last full week of classes. nonsense.
hmm. i'm still not sure how i feel about this. is this year truly almost over?
where did it go?
it's disappointing to me how little i took advantage of the opportunities before me...
i guess there's always next year, right?
i hate saying that, though.
how about there's always tomorrow...that's more appealing to me.
so i started embroidering little notes to people.
i think i like doing that...a whole lot.
and i think i may embroider valentines for next year.
it makes me giggle just to think of the possibilities.
p.s. jeremy larson is singing me to sleep right now when i should be getting ready for work. oh no.
p.s.s. i want to make stuff like this all the time....for rlz.
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