21. i have a decent amount of stuff (homework, LT support letters, a letter to a friend) that i need to complete tonight....hmmmmph. maybe i'll actually get all of that done?
20. i realized today that i'm holding a grudge against a professor. it's making my heart hurt. i feel like i should apoligize to her, even though she doesn't know about it. i hate the way grudges make me feel.
19. i wish i was more creative...
18. even though i knew there were only a few weeks until school was out for the semester, the reality only really hit me today. i'm not quite sure how i feel about the summer yet...but i don't have much time to worry about it.
17. i have a friend that's moving to china next year. i get more sad everytime i think about it...i wish oceans were only as big as they looked on maps.
16. i've kinda really been wanting a dog for a while, despite the impossibility of me having one. but yesterday i found a newfoundland on craig's list...how could this not be fate?
15. sometimes i surprise myself...a few days ago was one of these times
14. i'm becoming increasingly obsessed with this
i love how candid he is. hhhmmmmppphhhh.... someday
13. do you ever have a secret you really want to share with someone, but the one person you want to tell turns out to be the one person you can't share that secret with....
12. these cake stands make me oh so happy... i think i'll probably just make one...eeeekkkk.

11. i had a friend tell me yesterday that he wants to spend some time living as a hobo. i think that's real neat...it made my heart jump a little.
10. this movie trailer gives me butterflies...
9. i have a pile of books that are calling my name...and i really want to read them... but silly school work is getting in the way again.
8. i think i fall more in love with my friends every day...
7. i've been listening to landon pigg's "falling in love at a coffee shop" over and over again... ridiculous. it's just such an addictive little tune.
6. spending time with my brother last friday was wonderful. he's such a great big brother, i'm glad that even though we don't see eye-to-eye on some things he is still encouraging me to pursue what is important to me.
5. i got to hang out with some beautiful people last night...i'm glad i choose friends over homework sometimes (okay...most of the time.)
4. i would really like to own a photo booth....just sayin'
3. this picture makes my heart do all kinds of silly things

2. i rented a movie called "rocket science" yesterday...just at random..i'm excited to try it out this week.
1. i've spent entirely too long on here...sorry again.
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