i think my heart breaks everytime i listen to bon iver...
i like it when music does that to me.
thank you, sir iver, for doing what you do. (as if you would see this)
today has been good.
there was no nap, and i didn't get to have coffee with my best friend.
but i laughed 'til there were tears and was loved like there was no tomorrow.
i don't want this year to end...
i wish i wrote like my friend kay.
she leaves room for your imagination to fill in the blanks.
i like having friends that use their gifts.
it's pretty top o' the line.
i looked at a picture today...
from a couple years ago.
my heart didn't feel the same, i think that's a good thing.
i think this is over. and that's good.
good morning, friday. nice to see you.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
that secret that you know, but you don't know how to tell.
Posted by Katie Harmon at 8:54 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
i think that possibly, maybe i'm falling for you.
i'm wearing a headband that a friend made today by cutting off a sleeve of his shirt.
it's working more effectively than most headbands i have.
maybe i'll start buying more men's shirts at goodwill for the sole purpose of making headbands with them...hmm...
yesterday at work my boss got us all popsicles because it was steamy over at the student center
and these weren't just any popsicles.
they were popsicles with jokes on the stick.
would you like to hear one? of course you would.
andy found this one...
"how did the telephone ask his girlfriend to marry him?"
"he gave her a ring"
oh me oh my. it doesn't get much better than that does it.
i think tonight may be a late night for me...
that would be okay with me if i was spending it with friends, passing the time with nonsense, but i'm working on homework...bah.
i'm nearly tempted to see if anyone wants to make a starbucks run, i'd like a green tea latte to go with my accounting, but that would just keep me from doing the work that so badly needs to be done...hhmmmpphh.
i'm heading home this weekend (saturday) to move some stuff home and see my sister's musical.
she's put so much work into this and she gets to sing ... in front of people... instead of in the shower or to the steering wheel...she's so much more brave than i'll ever be.
oh little sister, you are more wonderful than you'll ever know.
Posted by Katie Harmon at 5:49 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 27, 2009
...but having seen and greeted them from afar...

papercutting is just so delicate...hmmm.
check out ryantown for more quality work. i have a bit of a design crush on him.
have you heard?
this is the last full week of classes. nonsense.
hmm. i'm still not sure how i feel about this. is this year truly almost over?
where did it go?
it's disappointing to me how little i took advantage of the opportunities before me...
i guess there's always next year, right?
i hate saying that, though.
how about there's always tomorrow...that's more appealing to me.
so i started embroidering little notes to people.
i think i like doing that...a whole lot.
and i think i may embroider valentines for next year.
it makes me giggle just to think of the possibilities.
p.s. jeremy larson is singing me to sleep right now when i should be getting ready for work. oh no.
p.s.s. i want to make stuff like this all the time....for rlz.
Posted by Katie Harmon at 11:15 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 25, 2009
now all your love is wasted...
Posted by Katie Harmon at 5:43 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
21 for the 21st.
21. i have a decent amount of stuff (homework, LT support letters, a letter to a friend) that i need to complete tonight....hmmmmph. maybe i'll actually get all of that done?

11. i had a friend tell me yesterday that he wants to spend some time living as a hobo. i think that's real neat...it made my heart jump a little.
10. this movie trailer gives me butterflies...
9. i have a pile of books that are calling my name...and i really want to read them... but silly school work is getting in the way again.
8. i think i fall more in love with my friends every day...
7. i've been listening to landon pigg's "falling in love at a coffee shop" over and over again... ridiculous. it's just such an addictive little tune.
6. spending time with my brother last friday was wonderful. he's such a great big brother, i'm glad that even though we don't see eye-to-eye on some things he is still encouraging me to pursue what is important to me.
5. i got to hang out with some beautiful people last night...i'm glad i choose friends over homework sometimes (okay...most of the time.)
4. i would really like to own a photo booth....just sayin'
3. this picture makes my heart do all kinds of silly things

1. i've spent entirely too long on here...sorry again.
Posted by Katie Harmon at 12:41 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 19, 2009
This monkey has eyebrows.
it's stinkin' adorable.
look at it...
for real....
i want to go to a zoo. now.
Posted by Katie Harmon at 1:18 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 17, 2009
it's a "they might be giants" kind of day.
"it's friday...i'm in love..."
maybe not, but don't days like this just make you want to sing right along with the cure?
this week has been leagues better than last week.
i still need to do dishes though. hmm.
my brother is coming to visit this evening. so that'll be fun.
not real sure what the plans are...but it'll be a mess of frisbee, possible trip to hardin's, goodwill, movie, and trivial pursuit.
he's bringing my keyboard up...so i have a feeling tomorrow when i should be doing homework, i'll be attempting to teach myself some music. that'll be interesting/comical.
i've been listening to a lot of billy joel recently. the combination of the ivories and his velvety voice...hmmm. makes me a little sleepy.
i've been falling asleep to amos lee this week...that's been nice.
what have you been humming along to this week?
maybe you have some new music suggestions for me?
i'd love to hear them.
ah well. i should probably clean up my room a bit, it's bordering on disgusting. so please enjoy this sublime day, mkay?
oh. p.s. i printed off my new embroidery patterns!!!!
and i'm real excited to use them, so if you'd like me to glam something up for you just let me know.
Posted by Katie Harmon at 8:27 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
step into my office...
as i'm listening to belle & sebastian...avoiding the homework that needs to be completed soon so i can get some shut-eye...i can't help but stumble back to this.
i just have a treasure that i would like to share with you.
i found this wonderful t-shirt printing company that i can't get enough of...i think i would very much like to have one of all their shirts...you should take a look for yourself..
i pinky swear you won't regret taking a look.
hmmm...on that note...
Posted by Katie Harmon at 7:39 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
skipping stone.
do you ever find yourself looking at others' pictures and see yourself living their life?
maybe this is just me...and my dreamy existence that i tend to lead in my little subconscious.
i do this pretty often with these:
i don't know what it is...the pictures just seem to depict a life so much more exciting than my own...
i guess i just need to stop envying these lives and start living my own...maybe then i'll have some splendid photos to share...ah well.
this past week my dearest friend, bekah, came to visit and it was a great end to a horrible week.
this plus a house church passover celebration, hookah at the mt cup, learning some chords on the guitar (kind of a big deal for me), and laughter was all i needed to forget the stress that had been dragging me down all week.
after skipping all my classes on friday, to get some breakfast, take a test, and pack, bekah and i headed back home for an easter weekend with our families.
on the trip home i was introduced to tractor supply co. and was tempted to buy some baby ducks...my lack of a proper home for them shot this idea down pretty quick, but oh my word, how darling they were.
i got to do my months worth of laundry at home...FOR FREE!, giggle with my sister, fall asleep watching movies with my mom, and beat my brother at mariokart for the first time. all in all it was a great little break from school.
i'm all refreshed and ready for a new week...at least i think so.
we'll find out i guess.
oh and p.s. i forgot how much of a crush i had on paul dano.
...my memory is being stirred.
Posted by Katie Harmon at 1:58 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 4, 2009
vitamin c drop, anyone?
ugggghhhh. being sick is no fun.
i've blown my nose a ridiculous amount of times today. gross.
i guess this is what i get for calling in "sick" to work yesterday. oh well.
it's still beautiful outside today...i'm still warring with myself on whether i should stay in and sleep...blowing my nose at 5 minute intervals...drinking tea all day...watching movies that i've seen too many times..
or should i be outside? i do have some errands i could run.
hmm. tempting. of course the lack of a car sometimes puts a stop to errand running.
there is an abundance of homework, taxes, support raising, etc. that i could be trying to complete today...i guess i could be productive today.
p.s. i'm moving to austin, texas.
because of this...http://www.clementinecoffeebar.com/
that's a valid reason right?
on a more serious note, though. a friend came to town yesterday and over dinner we discussed our mutual growing frustration with school. and if you didn't know, over the past year i've been stewing over the idea of taking a year off from school. now i can't stop thinking about it...hmm... who knows. (west, anyone?)
Posted by Katie Harmon at 9:33 AM 2 comments
Friday, April 3, 2009
it's trivial...really.
i have a runny nose. i'm beginning to think it's a little more than allergies, just avoiding the possibility of a sinus infection...i probably should've purchased some kleenexes today...ah well.
recently i've developed a love for trivial pursuit. we tend to not play by the rules, but i get so impressed by the other people playing and their knowledge of trivial things...hence the name...creative, right?
you should try listening to "the submarines"...they're pretty catchy, if you're into that kind of thing.
i think i would like to go home for easter weekend...i miss my family. and i would like to get my blue teacup..
i still haven't sent in my taxes.
Posted by Katie Harmon at 7:24 PM 0 comments