Thursday, March 12, 2009

i get a (kick) out of you.

so, today i ended up watching martha stewart with my grandma, and despite my general disgust with martha's demeanor she usually has at least one interesting segment in her show.
and today was no exception.
please forgive me for sounding silly, but this guy from the baltimore botanical gardens was on there talking about soil.
i know, i know...but just wait.
he had a lot to say about the care and keeping of gardens, and that's pretty exciting to me.
but my favorite thing about it was how interested he was in soil and gardening, how intelligent he sounded when he talked about it, and how you could see how much he genuinely enjoyed sharing his interest with others.
and as trivial a thing as you may think soil is (which is a silly belief to have since it's a pretty basic universal need) i admire this guy.
i just love talking to and interacting with people that are just...intelligent.
i love walking away from a conversation feeling like i'm a better person because of it.
bottom line...i think intelligence and the sharing of said intelligence with others is highly attractive. so thank you, mystery soil man on made me and your beard.


Anonymous said...

are you sure it wasn't just his beard?

Katie Harmon said...

now that i think about it...