this weekend was full of so much greatness.
although i accomplished minimal school work...
i have a crush on this past weekend.
friday... i had a pancake dinner with two lovely friends.
baked a pie (for the first time) with liz and giggled over it with some beautiful people.
got to see layne teach herself some ukulele
saturday...baked blueberry muffins with layne for lunch.
added some color to the sidewalk with some chalk
ventured to hobby lobby and stumbled upon a few miraculous individuals.
baked some peanut butter chocolate chip cookies.
made ridiculous videos with two lovely friends.
listened to gregg's stories while laying around at freddie's
lazed around with the boyfriend, and decided it was a good idea to make some grilled cheeses at 2 in the morning. with friends before church.
lovely worship
life group at the mt cup.
um...the weather yesterday? jacket required.
family dinner at my much love.
found a house for next year!!!! (greatest house ever....stick around next year and you'll completely agree)
put together a puzzle with the beautiful sarah brown.
laughed with bob.
and acted like i was interested in boys talking about sports..
all in all it was a weekend for the books.
i hope your's was full of smiles as well.

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