my hands are sticky with the remnants of the grapefruit my roommate and i just tore through.

we have a tendency to do that, share obscure fruits.
oh you know, just another day.
i can't believe that it is already wednesday. this week has been passing by so rapidly.
i don't really feel as if i've accomplished much in the academic realm these past few days, but it's been a full few days.
i've written down a ridiculous amount of recipes on account of my new recipe book that i just got in the mail.
would you like to see it?...of course you would

just wait until you see it'll be just as excited as i am.
i've also been on a bit of a rampage, window shopping for stuff for the house next year.
mainly stuff for the kitchen, but there have been a few other house items thrown in there.
like these darling stackable mugs...
these coffee mugs would most likely be used to eat cereal out of much more often than for drinking coffee or tea, but the colors are just too appealing to not purchase. and the stacking? i mean, does it get any better?
i think not.
yes, this will probably be my next purchase.
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